Universal page , work in progress

musculus compartimenti hypothenaris

SECTION Item or Ref ID Value or text
Official Latin term musculus compartimenti hypothenaris
Official subsidiary term muscle of hypothenar compartment
Unit identifier TAH:U15265
Unit type pair set
Materiality material
Latin terms
Official term
musculus compartimenti hypothenaris
Term status
Universal term
Generic set
musculi compartimenti hypothenaris
Specific pair set (display)
musculi compartimenti hypothenaris (par)
Specific pair set (formal)
Left set member
musculus compartimenti hypothenaris sinistri
Right set member
musculus compartimenti hypothenaris dextri
Internal term
musculus compartimenti hypothenaris
English terms
Official term
muscle of hypothenar compartment
Term status
Universal term
Generic set
muscles of hypothenar compartment
Specific pair set (display)
muscles of hypothenar compartment (pair)
Specific pair set (formal)
Left set member
muscle of left hypothenar compartment
Right set member
muscle of right hypothenar compartment
French terms
Official term
muscle de la loge hypothénare
Term status
Universal term
Generic set
muscles de la loge hypothénare
Specific pair set (display)
anteriors bellys muscles de la loge hypothénare (paire)
Specific pair set (formal)
Left set member
muscle de la loge hypothénare gauche
Right set member
muscle de la loge hypothénare droit
Spanish terms
Official term
músculo del compartimento nomen hypothenaris
Term status
Universal term
Generic set
músculos del compartimento nomen hypothenaris
Specific pair set (display)
anteriores bellys músculos del compartimento nomen hypothenaris (par)
Specific pair set (formal)
Left set member
músculo del compartimento nomen hypothenaris izquierdo
Right set member
músculo del compartimento nomen hypothenaris derecho
Latin model
Origin term of the model
musculus compartimenti hypothenaris
Basic part
TAH15265 musculus
Referenced noun
TAH12368 nomen musculus organi (nomen systematis muscularis) >musculus<
Mandatory expansion TAH15264 compartimentum hypothenare
Referenced noun
TAH12299 nomen compartimentum (nomen rei incorporeae) >compartimentum<
Referenced adjective
TAH15270 nomen hypothenaris >hypothenaris<
Universal formula N(12368),&M(15264)
Analysis of words
Term to be analyzed musculus compartimenti hypothenaris
musculus noun, declension 2, nominative, masculine, singular
compartimenti noun, declension 2, genitive, neutral, singular
hypothenaris adjective, declension 3, genitive, neutral, singular
Syntax analysis of term
[ musculus ]
-> ( Cpl ) ->[ compartimentum ]
-> ( Adj ) ->[ hypothenaris ]
Declension of words
musculus - musculi - musculi - musculorum
compartimentum - compartimenti - compartimenta - compartimentorum
hypothenare - hypothenaris - hypothenaria - hypothenarium
Date: 02.01.2023